This page was last updated on 13/07/2021 to include space for the individual providing their contact details to Managing Trustees to sign the Data Collection Form.


Principle 4 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires Managing Trustees to ensure that the information they are holding about individuals is relevant, accurate and up to date. TMCP has devised a new Data Collection Form to help Managing Trustees to fulfil these requirements.

The new Data Collection Form is for use by Managing Trustees to ask individuals to complete their contact details. This Form is separate to the Consent Form; it needs to be completed whether or not consent is required (in accordance with the Annex to the Privacy Notice for Managing Trustees). It should be completed by everyone whose personal information is held by the managing trustee body e.g. all members and adherents of the Methodist Church whose personal information you hold.

The Data Collection Form is designed to allow individuals to ensure that the personal information held about them is correct and also to advise Managing Trustees how those individuals wish to be contacted by indicating their contact preferences.

The Data Collection Form is also the relevant form to use for the collection of contact details which will appear in the Church / Circuit / District Directory where this Directory will NOT be made publicly available.

Where Directories are placed in the public domain then, in addition to the completion of the Data Collection Form, individuals must also complete a Data Consent Form if they agree to their contact details being made publicly available.  Please also refer to FAQ 2.3 for guidance on when consent is required for Directories.

The Data Collection Form should be dated by the individual completing the form so that the information can be checked on an annual basis by the Managing Trustees to ensure that the information it contains is still correct.  It may also be a good and convenient time for Managing Trustees to check that the consents that have obtained for using an individual’s information in certain ways is still valid.

Please select whether you wish to download the Data Collection Form as a Word or pdf file. If you download in Word you will be able to type in the information required directly into the form and save as an electronic file.


If Managing Trustees have any queries then please contact TMCP ( for further assistance regarding general data protection matters and the Conference Office for queries specifically relating to safeguarding or complaints and discipline matters (