Paying Funds In

Funds held by TMCP on behalf of Managing Trustees are held in trust accounts in the name of the local church, circuit or district.

Money from legacies, bequests or devises

Money from bequests and legacies can be sent to TMCP by the solicitor.  However, in cases where the church may have received the bequest directly and the Managing Trustees would like to send the funds to TMCP, this can be done by sending a cheque with an accompanying letter. 

Cheques should be written in the name of ‘Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes’ or ‘TMCP’.  We can accept cheques written in the name of the church, circuit or district once the payee name has the word ‘Methodist’ in it.  The funds will then be put into a trust account in the name of the church.

Money from proceeds of sale of model trust properties

If model trust property has been sold, the solicitor will remit the net sales proceeds to TMCP via bank transfer.  When the proceeds are received, the Connexional Priority Fund (CPF) Levy as chargeable under Standing Order 970 is calculated taking into account any returnable grants and other allowable expenses advised by TMCP Legal.  The returnable grants and CPF Levy, which are collected on behalf of the Connexion, are paid into the relevant Connexional trusts administered by the Connexional Grants Committee.  The balance of the sales proceeds after these deductions is deposited to the Circuit Model Trust Fund.

Please refer to Sales for more details.

Money raised by appeal for land acquisition / building work

To remit funds raised by appeal specifically to acquire land or erect or alter buildings, send a cheque payable to ‘Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes’ or ‘TMCP’ along with a letter.

Money from general church fund

Money from the general church fund is not Model Trust money and as such is not required to be held by TMCP.  However, Managing Trustees may choose to deposit such local funds with TMCP.  To do so, send a cheque payable to ‘Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes’ or ‘TMCP’ along with a letter.

Where cheques being sent to TMCP are in the name of the church, circuit or district the payee name MUST include the word ‘Methodist’ in it.  Cheques should be sent with a letter giving the name of the church and the trust number the funds should be paid into (where known) along with the purpose of the funds.  This will ensure that the money is allocated appropriately.

For direct payments to our bank, please contact TMCP Finance.