Trust Balance Sheet

The Trust Balance Sheet displays the total book value of all investments held on the trust as at 1st September. There is then provided an adjustment for the movement in market value from the beginning of the year. If investments have been sold there will also be another adjustment showing the gain or loss that had been recognised on the sale of the investment.

A positive adjustment signifies a gain in value, a negative figure indicates a loss. The subsequent Total Assets amount is the latest recorded market value.

We then show the amount of Administration charge has yet to be recovered from the trust. This is normally deducted from income as the trust receives it and is usually fully paid off in September and October, for most of the year this will be zero.

Click the ‘Transactions’ or ‘History’ links for further details on any given category of income and expenditure.

Click on the ‘Download’ button if you wish to download this information in .csv format (for Excel or similar programs) or the ‘print’ button if you wish to print it out.