During this difficult time, can we remind Managing Trustees and their professional advisers of the following revised procedures regarding post sent to TMCP.
Following the Government directive to work remotely where possible, an application was made back in March for TMCP’s incoming post to be diverted to an alternative address. Due to delays in processing this request at the Royal Mail, post was delayed for several weeks but the divert has now been implemented and we are receiving post. However, we are still asking that correspondence and payments to TMCP are sent electronically wherever possible to assist with the processing in the current circumstances and beyond.
Common types of correspondence which TMCP receive by post are listed below:-
- Application forms 1, 2 and 3
- Certified completion documents
- Documents for sealing
- Copies of extracts/wills
- Cheques
- Letters regarding closure/merging of trusts
- Licence for Worship (Schedule 14a)
Until further notice, please do not send cheques to the TMCP office if you are able to send the payment via online banking.
If you do wish to send us a payment via online banking, please email us first at admin@tmcp.org.uk giving details of the amount and the purpose of the deposit (e.g. a bequest, deposit of general funds etc) and we will ensure the appropriate person contacts you with the relevant bank details to make the transfer.
If you have any general queries regarding these matters please contact us either on the address above or via our contact form and we will respond to you as soon as possible.
TMCP will continue to keep the position under review and notify you accordingly as and when this process is updated. Many thanks for your assistance in these extraordinary circumstances.
Stay safe and well!