The "Test and Trace", Data Protection and What you need to do Focus Note has been updated. The updated Focus Note includes additional guidance to help Managing Trustees now that further information has been provided by the Government and Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on how the service works.
The Methodist Church Test and Trace Record and accompanying Focus Note, with its Five Step Plan for Managing Trustees to follow to keep the information in their record safe and compliant with data protection legislation, went live on the TMCP website on 3 July 2020. These resources were produced to help Managing Trustees fulfil the Government’s request for Churches to assist the “NHS Test and Trace” service by keeping an accurate temporary record of visitors to church premises for 21 days.
Please note the additional guidance in the updated Focus Note on how to identify that somebody contacting the Local Church is a bona fide NHS Test and Trace tracer and the new Section E “How to deal with a request from NHS Test and Trace”.
Further updates:
The Methodist Church Test and Trace Record has also been updated to include space for a “departure time” if it is feasible for Managing to record this. The Government and ICO guidance recognises that this is not always possible.
Further to Managing Trustee suggestions, we have also produced a Methodist Church Test and Trace Record – Data Protection Poster. This can be displayed near to your record and contains the data protection information which you need to share with people who provide their contact details for the purposes of NHS Test and Trace. The information is taken from the front page of the Template Methodist Church Test and Trace Record.
The new and updated resources are available from the COVID-19 page on TMCP’s website and can be accessed here:
• Updated Test and Trace, Data Protection and What you Need to do Focus Note.
• Updated Methodist Church Test and Trace Record.
• Methodist Church Test and Trace Record – Data Protection Poster – available to download in Word or PDF from the Methodist Church Test and Trace Record page
Please continue to let us have your comments and suggestions so that we can take these on board in developing a record and process that is as helpful as possible for Managing Trustees and takes account of the responsibilities under data protection legislation. Please also contact TMCP Data Protection if you are contacted by NHS Test and Trace.
Please contact TMCP Data Protection if you have any queries in relation to the data protection implications of the Test and Trace Record, TMCP and Property Support for guidance on using the Test and Trace Record and Property Support for guidance on opening our church buildings generally.