TMCP are pleased to provide Managing Trustees with the following links to three webinars which have been produced by Anthony Collins, one of the firms on the Methodist Church’s Panel of Solicitors. These webinars have been created in order to assist the Managing Trustees when considering purchasing or selling a manse property:

  1. Supporting with the sale and purchase of a manse
  2. Step by step guide to selling a manse
  3. Step by step guide to purchasing a manse

The webinars are step by step guides which look to simplify the process for any Managing Trustees who may be new to dealing with legal transactions or perhaps may wish to have a refresher on manse sales and purchases. The webinars are short and to the point which should be helpful for those Managing Trustees who want a simple overview of the procedure.

Please encourage those involved with the process of buying and selling manses to watch the webinars at the start of the process along with the current guidance for sales and purchases available on the TMCP website under the following links: Sales and Purchases

Please also share the webinars with any Managing Trustees in your Circuit and District who you feel may benefit from an over arching view or a refresher on the processes.

As Anthony Collins are part of the Methodist Church’s Panel of Solicitors you can find further information about the legal services they offer and more information about the other four firms on the Panel on the Panel Solicitors page.