TMCP Discretionary Grants
An Introduction to Discretionary Grants
The Board is full Trustee of a small number of trusts where it has discretion over the use of income and, in some cases the capital, and is responsible for the investment of the funds. For a number of the trusts, the purposes for which grants may be made are specified in the trust documents, and for others the Board is able to make grants for any Methodist charitable purpose.
Grants are administered by TMCP's Grants Committee, made up of two of our Board members and key staff. Applications are only considered at the meetings of the Committee which normally meets twice a year. The next meeting for consideration of applications is on the 10th of July 2025. Applications should be submitted by the 6th of June 2025 to give us time to process the request and circulate papers to the committee.
The criteria and protocols for discretionary grants made by TMCP are contained in the guidance notes listed on the right.
Grants Available
Property Projects | Pastoral Support |
Staffing Support | Education and Training |
How to submit your application
Once completed and endorsed by the relevant parties, applications should be sent to TMCP by email if possible to, or by post to Central Buildings, Oldham Street, Manchester M1 1JQ. If you have any queries regarding the application form or grants, please contact our Finance Section.
The funds at the disposal of TMCP are for specific purposes which have been summarised above. There are other Methodist benevolent funds available which are outlined on the Methodist Church website. Applicants are assured that TMCP and other responsible bodies co-operate in the appropriate allocation of funds to ensure that needs are met wherever possible.
Other sources of funding
Whilst Connexional grants are not currently available, you may find it helpful to look at Methodist Insurances Methodist Grants Programme.
Landfill, Lottery and Historic England Grants
TMCP may be asked to enter directly into Funding Agreements in respect of Landfill Grants, Lottery Grants and Heritage Grants.
Landfill Grants
TMCP are registered with ENTRUST, who are the regulator of the Landfill Communities Fund, as an Environmental Body which enables Churches to receive grants from Landfill Operators without having to register as an Environmental Body in their own right.
Landfill grants are available from the Landfill Communities Fund, in qualifying locations, and are given by a number of Landfill Operators. Landfill operators include, Biffa, Cory, Veolia, Sita Trust and Virador.
If your Church is applying for a Landfill Grant that involves TMCP click here for the flowchart summarising the steps of TMCP’s involvement.
Lottery Funding – Big Lottery Fund
Some Churches seek funding from the National Lottery’s Big Lottery Fund.
Big Lottery will on occasion want TMCP to be a party to the Funding Agreement as TMCP is the legal owner of the Church property. Big Lottery may decide that they wish to put a charge on the property to secure the grant monies. It is usually a condition of the grant that if the Church closes in a defined number of years the grant monies, or a percentage of them, have to be repaid.
If your Church is applying for a Big Lottery Grant click here for the flowchart summarising the steps of TMCP’s involvement.
Historic England Grants
Some Churches which are listed buildings may qualify for a repair grant from Historic England. Historic England may want TMCP, as legal owner of the building to enter into the Funding Agreement.
If your Church is applying for a Historic England Grant click here for the flowchart summarising the steps of TMCP’s involvement.