The lockdowns restrictions have begun to ease and this has meant that there is new guidance available on the sale and purchase of properties. As estate agents and removal firms re-open for business, Managing Trustees will be keen to restart projects that have been on hold during the lockdown period.

The following links to guidance will be of assistance to Managing Trustees when buying and selling property:

  • The Government has issued guidance for those people who are required to go in to homes to undertake their work. This guidance will apply to surveyors and estate agents who will be going into properties to prepare qualified surveyor’s reports, carry out home buyers surveys and for showing people around properties which are on the markets.
  • The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors has also issued guidance specific to surveyors.
  • Sintons LLP, one of the firms on the Methodist Church’s Panel of Solicitors, have very helpfully created a podcast giving up-to-date guidance from a Methodist and charity law perspective on buying and selling Manses following the relaxation of some of the restrictions on buying and selling property. The podcast will assist Managing Trustees in understanding the process and some of the challenges they still face in the current climate. We highly recommend that Managing Trustees take the opportunity to listen to the short podcast: Manse sales and purchases stalling due to COVID-19 – What can Managing Trustees do?

If Managing Trustees have any queries regarding the sales and/or purchases of Manses and other Methodist properties during this difficult time, then please do not hesitate to contact TMCP Legal using the contact form on the TMCP website  or by emailing

Managing Trustees are also encouraged to contact the Panel of Solicitors who will be able to assist and provide appropriate advice. You can find details about Sintons LLP and the other firms of the panel on the Panel Solicitors page of the TMCP website.