We are pleased to announce that the role of “Data Champion” has now been added to the Connexional Database. Local Churches, Circuits and Districts can add their Data Champions using the online suite. Please do so as soon as possible so that those looking for help within your Local Church, Circuit and/or District know who their Data Champion is and can get in touch.

Identifying Data Champions through the Connexional Database will also help the Data Protection Working Party to get in touch with these volunteers and support them in their role. We will provide Data Champions with targeted guidance and let them know about specific training events. We know that some Managing Trustees are already arranging events locally to deal with queries from Local Churches, Circuits and Districts and your Data Champions have volunteered to help. Please do get in touch if there are any questions we can help with or confirmation is required that what is being said is in line with the Church’s position on data protection.

Data Champions are not expected to be data protection experts but to be familiar with the data protection toolkit (Toolkit) produced by the Working Party. The Working Party is devising targeted training on the Privacy Notice, internal policies, associated guidelines and templates, how to promote the use of the Toolkit and detailing how Data Champions can signpost to people where to find the documents/guidance they need. A list of the documents in the Toolkit with links is provided on the Data Protection Page.

So that we can make training for Data Champions as helpful as possible, we would ask those who have already volunteered to let us know what they are being asked, what they are unsure about and what additional help or training they would like us to provide.

The Working Party would also like to say thank you to all those who have volunteered to take up a Data Champion role. Please identify yourselves through the Connexional Database and help us to help you provide the support and signposting that Managing Trustees need.


If you have any questions please contact dataprotection@tmcp.org.uk on general data protection issues or dataprotection@methodistchurch.org.uk for queries specifically relating to safeguarding or complaints and discipline matters. We are reviewing the enquiries received and will continue to add to the existing frequently asked questions so that everybody can benefit from the practical points that you have raised with us.