The first Data Protection Training Webinar specifically for Methodist Managing Trustees is now available. Watch the webinar via TMCP’s website.

This is the first in a series of training webinars being produced by the Data Protection Working Party to help Managing Trustees and those handling or using (processing) personal information (data) in their Local Churches, Circuits and Districts to get GDPR ready.

This first webinar is based on a presentation given to District Chairs in early March 2018. It provides an introduction to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and outlines the support and guidance being provided to Managing Trustees and the steps Managing Trustees need to take now. The slides are also available to download here.

Who should watch the webinar?

...Anybody in the Local Church, Circuit or District who collects and/or uses (processes) personal information (personal data).

One of the steps for  Managing Trustees to take to prepare for the introduction of GDPR (see the 9 Steps guidance note) is to ensure that those people in the Local Church, Circuit or District who handle or use (process) personal information (personal data) are aware of the requirements under GDPR. One way to do this is to take advantage of the training being offered by the Working Party aimed specifically at the Methodist Church.

How do we make use of the training in our Local Church, Circuit or District to make sure everybody understands what they need to do under GDPR?

Ask those involved in using (processing) personal information to watch the webinar or arrange to watch the video together so that you can talk about the points raised and what you are going to do locally. Printing out the slides will help people to remember the key points. If this is not practical, ensure that the person responsible for looking after people's personal information locally has the opportunity to watch the webinar so that they can share the information and ensure that best practice is followed.

How can we get people involved?

Looking after members, volunteers and employees' personal information is very important to the Methodist Church and it is essential that we all work together to keep people’s personal information safe. Explain to people that this is not simply a question of complying with legislation and ticking boxes, we are part of a caring Church and we want to look after each others personal information.

What's next?

There will be a programme of training webinars, videoed FAQS, live “chat” session and face to face training for representatives from the Districts. Dates for this are currently being finalised.

Suggested topics for future webinars are set out below. However, the Working Party is determined to provide training on areas most needed by those handling personal information (data) so do get in contact if there are further subjects that you think should be covered:

  • Databases and Circuit Plans – collating and distributing the information under GDPR
  • Selecting an appropriate lawful ground (legal basis) for using (processing) personal information (data)
  • When is consent actually necessary and obtaining valid consent under GDPR
  • GDPR Myths
  • Dealing with data breaches
  • Data mapping and what’s next
  • Role of a processor in the Methodist Church
  • Managing risk
  • The role of the data champion
  • Protecting data – a common sense approach
  • Privacy in an ecumenical context
  • Privacy and communication
  • Contracts with third parties
  • IT security
  • Use of personal devices
How to find out about new guidance and updates

The Working Party will continue to update the Church on developments so please see the TMCP and Methodist Church website:

  • - the data protection guidance is available from the Data Protection page which can be found in the “About” section of TMCP’s website. A link to this page is now accessible from the Home page as well as the foot of every webpage. You can also search “TMCP data” or similar terms using a search engine such as “Google”.

TMCP will notify Managing Trustees when any new guidance is available through the News Hub section of the TMCP website; Managing Trustees can sign-up to receive notifications from TMCP’s website to ensure that they receive notice of new and updated guidance on data protection. To do this Managing Trustees should look out for the “Stay updated” banner appearing at the foot of each webpage, insert their contact email address and confirm they would like to receive notifications when they receive a welcome email from TMCP.

If Managing Trustees have any queries then please contact TMCP ( for further assistance regarding general data protection matters and the Conference Office for queries specifically relating to safeguarding or complaints and discipline matters (