The Data Protection FAQs have been updated to answer some of the questions that have arisen since the original FAQS were prepared including at the last years training events.
The following new FAQs have been added:
FAQ 2 - Consent
- If consent is the legal basis relied upon for handling an individual’s personal data, does the consent have to be given via the Consent Form?
- Is consent always required in relation to Circuit Directories and the Circuit Plan?
- The data collection consent form on TMCP’s website does not cover the sending out of the church magazine. Can I amend the consent form to include it?
FAQ 3 - Directories and Plans
- Do we need consent to produce the Preaching Plan (the ‘Plan’) and can we share this with third parties?
New FAQ 9 - Records
- Whilst under taking the Data Mapping exercise, we have identified that our old records are stored within the County Archives. Does GDPR affect this practice?
New FAQ 10 - Data Security
- Our Local Church has a ‘visitor book’. Does GDPR prevent the use of these?
- I share an email address with my wife. Is this still permitted under GDPR?
If you have any questions please contact on general data protection issues or for queries specifically relating to safeguarding or complaints and discipline matters. We are reviewing the enquiries received and will continue to add to the existing frequently asked questions so that everybody can benefit from the practical points that you have raised with us.