Following the Government directive for employees to work at home wherever possible, the TMCP team have been working remotely. Since 25th March, Central Buildings, where our offices are situated, has been closed except for occasional planned visits to collect essential documents and equipment.

An application was made for the incoming post to be diverted, but due to a delay in the Royal Mail implementing this divert the incoming post has not been delivered and may be returned to senders in due course.

If you have submitted any correspondence, schedules, legal documents or cheques to TMCP since Monday 24th March, please be aware that we may not have received these and they should be resubmitted by email wherever possible. Please tell us if it is a duplicate copy so we can ensure it is not processed twice if the original gets through to us. If a cheque has been sent, please contact our Finance department for information as to how the payment can be made by bank transfer instead.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and assure you that we are doing everything we can to ensure post reaches us as soon as possible.