At TMCP our legal team have now been using the Matter Management System (MMS) for over eight months and are working hard to ensure that we reply to you and your instructed professionals as quickly and efficiently as we can.

Further to our previous article, one of the key things that you can do to help the MMS work effectively for you is to respond to our emails by using the TMCP ‘Tag’ in the subject line of all ongoing communications relating to your Matters/Enquiries.

We have been introducing an enhancement to the MMS over the last couple of weeks to help the system to cope with the volume of Matters and Enquiries we are dealing with and the number of emails received every day into our shared mailbox. This means that there will be a slight change to the form of Tag that you are seeing in emails received from us. You will now see a Tag in the form: [TMCP-M-01234-S123456] (for Matters) OR [TMCP-E-00123-S123456] (for Enquiries) in the subject line of TMCP emails. This is the new form of TMCP Tag.

Every Matter and Enquiry created on our MMS has a unique “Tag” and the Tag tells us what Matter/Enquiry your email relates to. Using the Tag in the subject line of a response also means that that response will be automatically filed to the correct Matter/Enquiry by the MMS.

Emails are often sent to TMCP which contain very little information for our Team to identify which transaction or enquiry it relates to. Correctly identifying whether the matter is ongoing or new, what circuit it relates to and who is dealing with it takes considerable time and resource internally. This takes time away from responding to the query. Using the new automatic tagging allows us to identify the key information relating to the corresponding matter very quickly, and on receipt the email is automatically filed to the correct matter so that it can be seen when the legal officer opens that matter.

You can ensure that your emails to us and those of your professional advisers include the correct Tag by:

  • responding to the email you receive from us leaving the subject line of the email as it is. For the MMS to work correctly the Tag should not be altered in any way (including changing the order of or leaving out the square brackets);
  • copying and pasting the entirety of the Tag including the square brackets, into the email you are sending to TMCP or copying to TMCP;
  • making a note of the TMCP Tag and passing this on to your professional advisers (including the square brackets).

Please help us to help you by ensuring when you or your professional advisers email TMCP OR copy TMCP into correspondence, you include the TMCP Tag in the subject line of the email. The new Tag will be in the form: [TMCP-M-01234-S123456] (for Matters) OR [TMCP-E-00123-S123456] (for Enquiries).

If you are contacting us about a new transaction or with a new enquiry then you will not have a Tag, please just make it clear that you are contacting us about something new and we will set up a new Matter/Enquiry and let you know its unique TMCP Tag when we reply to you.


If you have any queries in relation to the guidance in this document please contact TMCP Legal for further assistance.