METHODIST  CENTRAL HALL, MANCHESTER, SEEKS NEW TRUSTEES to develop the vision and ten year strategic plan for the Methodist Central Hall, Manchester in order to speak powerfully of God’s love by making this building a focal point for community engagement through the combined use for mission and income through commercial use.

Membership of the Board offers an exciting opportunity to play a significant role in reimagining how Methodist Central Hall, Manchester can be utilised in the 21st century for worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism thus enabling all those who enter the building to experience God’s love. Whilst at the same time recognising the significant potential the building has to generate income to support further missional work.

The Board will meet four times a year but additional meetings are anticipated. A Chair of Trustees will be appointed from the successful candidates (dependant on extensive experience).

Priority will be given to applicants who offer relevant skills and experience in areas including mission and evangelism,  property management and development, finance, legal , employment  or relevant local knowledge/community involvement.

All trustees must be members of the Methodist Church and will work on a voluntary basis (with reasonable expenses reimbursed).

If you would like to be part of a team shaping the future development of work and mission at Methodist Central Hall, Manchester or would like more information please contact

The closing date for completed applications is 5pm on 1 June 2019.