Managing Trustees may have thought about using a vacant Manse to help house refugees and/or heard about the Methodist Council’s policy on tenancies under the Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Programme (VPR) specifically? The Residential Tenancy (Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Programme (VPR) Focus Note is now available on TMCP’s website to provide detailed guidance on these particular types of tenancies.
The Focus Note will be helpful to Managing Trustees considering tenancies under the VPR programme and tenancies to refugees in general as it sets out Methodist policy on letting residential property at an undervalue and looks at initial points for Managing Trustees to think about. It then explains the procedural steps to be taken to satisfy the requirements under charity law as well as Methodist law and policy focusing on where these differ from standard residential tenancies.
Managing Trustees can help tenancies under the VPR Programme (and to refugees in general) progress smoothly by:
- Letting TMCP know about the proposed letting as soon as possible i.e. when the Managing Trustees first decide to put a property forward to house refugees.
- Using the extensive guidance that is available on the Residential Tenancies page on our website.
- Following the steps set out in the Residential Tenancy (Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Programme (VPR) Focus Note.
- Keeping TMCP informed of the intended date for the family to move in.
Please contact TMCP Legal if you have any questions on the Residential Tenancy (Syrian Vulnerable Person Resettlement Programme (VPR) Focus Note or residential tenancies generally.