Over the last few years TMCP, together with external consultants, has been developing a new Matter Management System (MMS). As a result of the time and resources that have been invested, the project is now nearing its conclusion and the core functionality of the MMS will be implemented by the end of September 2023 with training take place for the whole TMCP Team over 2nd and 3rd October 2023.
TMCP has already been introducing new digital ways of working, moving away from paper-driven processes and the implementation of the MMS seeks to combine the newer and older systems, ensuring processes are fully integrated, seamless and less labour-intensive for the Team. The MMS is welcomed by the Board, CEO, myself and all the staff who are keen to concentrate on caseloads, streamlined ways of working and move away from less fluid and more time-consuming processes.
It will, of course, take some time for the MMS to embed into the way the Methodist Church operates and the benefits be demonstrable to the wider Connexion, but TMCP is committed to improving efficiencies of service and demonstrate how it brings benefit to the whole of the Connexion. Over the next 6-12 months TMCP will provide training to Managing Trustees through online roadshows and shorter sessions on our new ways of working and update you on how these changes will improve transactions for Managing Trustees.
There are also additional elements to the MMS project which are to follow and will optimise the core system bringing benefits not only to the TMCP team but the wider Connexion. The component parts of these elements are heavily reliant on the availability of the third-party providers and will continue to be implemented over the coming months.
In the meantime, as the TMCP teams will be in training on 2nd and 3rd October the staff will be unavailable during those times to answer calls or deal with urgent queries. As you will appreciate, there may be some slight delays in our usual response times. If you have a transaction or query that requires urgent attention, please let us know this week so we can help you manage expectations with any third parties.
Thank you for bearing with us as we make these important changes and please pass this information to any of your fellow Managing Trustees who may not be signed up to our News Hub.
Laura Carnall, Legal Manager