Annual District Advance Fund Levy

Circuit treasurers; just a reminder to ensure that you have a sufficient balance in your Trustees Interest Fund to pay the annual levy to the District Advance Fund as required by Standing Order 955. If you need to sell investments to pay this levy, please let us have written instructions signed by two managing trustees by the 20th August 2018.  The more notice we have to action these instructions the better.

Year End Statements – Trust Information System (T.I.S.)

Circuit users; please remember to add any new treasurers as users on the TIS. Previous treasurers or other users who no longer need access to the statements can now delete their own profile by logging in, clicking on their user name, selecting ‘My Details’ then clicking the button to delete their user profile. Users can also update their own email address or password on their profile if needed via the ‘My Details’ page. We want to help you to ensure that the correct people access and print off their trust statements directly.

Please contact TMCP Finance  if you have any further questions.