Managing Trustees can now access the Data Protection FAQs and Template Consent Form from the Data Protection page on TMCP’s website.

Data Protection FAQs

The first Data Protection Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are now available on TMCP’s website. These FAQs and their responses are specific to the Methodist Church being drawn from questions frequently asked by Methodist Managing Trustees about data protection and the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This first batch of FAQs picks up on common issues raised by Managing Trustees including; “Where can we get help and what is the Connexion doing to help Managing Trustees like us?” (FAQ 1.1) and “Do we need consent from individuals to include them in our Directories?” (FAQ 2.2)

How to use the FAQs

To help Managing Trustees find the answers they are looking for, the FAQs are set out in the following categories with the questions and answers revealed by clicking “expand”:

1.    Introduction of GDPR
2.    Consent
3.    Directories
4.    CCTV
5.    Third party users
6.    Data controllers and processors
7.    Brexit

New questions and answers will be added to the categories on an ongoing basis and new categories included such as “ecumenical matters” and “data security”. Sign up to receive notifications when new FAQs are added by going to the foot of any page on TMCP's website; and entering a contact email address where it says: “stay updated”.

My question is not here?

These FAQs are not intended to be exhaustive. The Data Protection Working Party (the Working Party) is busy identifying areas where additional guidance is required either in the form of future FAQs, charts or more detailed guidance notes. More FAQs will follow shortly.

Managing Trustees can help the Working Party in this process by continuing to contact TMCP and the Conference Office with their queries. FAQs will be released on an ongoing basis as part of the toolkit being produced by the Working Party to help Managing Trustees prepare for the introduction of GDPR on 25th May 2018.  

Consent Form

Although the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does not mean that Managing Trustees need to obtain consent for everything (it is just one of the six lawful grounds (lawful bases) for using (processing) personal information – see the GDPR Myths article), there will be some occasions when it is necessary for Managing Trustees to obtain consent. The Working Party is finalising detailed guidance on lawful bases including consent but in the meantime a Template Consent Form has been produced for Managing Trustees to use and adapt where consent is required.

What's next?

As well as the guidance and policies referred to in the last update, the first training webinar is expected to be available shortly on TMCP’s website based on the presentation given to District Chairs in early March 2018. The slides for the presentation will also be available to download which Managing Trustees can use as an aide when watching the webinar.

How to find out about new guidance and updates

The Working Party is continuing to update the Church on data protection issues and developments so please see the TMCP and Methodist Church website:

  • - the data protection guidance is available from the Data Protection page which can be found in the “About” section of TMCP’s website. A link to this page is now accessible from the Home page as well as the foot of every webpage. You can also search “TMCP data” or similar terms using a search engine such as “Google”.

TMCP will notify Managing Trustees when any new guidance is available through the News Hub section of the TMCP website; Managing Trustees can sign-up to receive notifications from TMCP’s website to ensure that they receive notice of new and updated guidance on data protection. To do this Managing Trustees should look out for the “Stay updated” banner appearing at the foot of each webpage, insert their contact email address and confirm they would like to receive notifications when they receive a welcome email from TMCP.

Where else can I find guidance?

Organisations including the Information Commissioners Office (‘ICO’) and EU are publishing comprehensive but clear guidance in plain language which provides Managing Trustees with a good, balanced overview and should be read alongside the practical guidance focusing on the Methodist Church produced by the Working Party:


If Managing Trustees have any queries then please contact TMCP ( for further assistance regarding general data protection matters and the Conference Office for queries specifically relating to safeguarding or complaints and discipline matters (