General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) training sessions take place on 22nd May in Manchester and 12th June 2018 in London. Places are still available at Manchester next Tuesday (22nd May) with a few remaining in London three weeks later.

The Face to Face Training forms part of the suite of policies, guidelines, schedules, templates, detailed guidance and training (Data Protection Toolkit) being produced by the Data Protection Working Party in the run up to 25th May 2018.  TMCP and the Connexional Team see the training as a vital part of the training Manging Trustees should undertake to understand their role as processors and the requirements of the data controllers.

Further details of what the training includes, who it is aimed at and how to sign up are set out in the flyer, reproduced below for ease of reference. Take advantage of this free training designed especially for Methodist Managing Trustees and sign up or check that someone from your Circuit or District has already done so without delay. Don’t miss out!

Booking for the Manchester training closes on Thursday (17th May 2018) and places will be distributed on a first come first served basis.

Further training resources

Watch the first training webinar (GDPR Training Webinar 1 – Introduction to GDPR) if you have not had chance already. This provides an introduction to the GDPR and the steps to be taken by Managing Trustees.

Slides to accompany the presentation given by Amanda Flynn at the Resourcing Mission Forum last week are now available to view on TMCP’s website. There will also be a video of this training available on the website to accompany the slides over the coming weeks.

New webinars in the form of questions and answers on consent, use of personal email addresses and data security will be uploaded onto the website in due course.

Any training based questions, suggestions for topics that you would like us to cover or other data protection enquiries, please contact TMCP ( regarding general data protection matters and the Conference Office for queries specifically relating to safeguarding or complaints and discipline matters (

To help Managing Trustees of Local Methodist Churches, Circuits, and Districts to better understand their obligations under the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and implement relevant policies and procedures, two training events are being offered by TMCP and the Connexional Team (‘together the Working Party’): one in Manchester and one in London (same content at each).  A web based version of the training will be available on shortly afterward.

Dates and Venues

22nd May – Manchester – Central Buildings, Oldham Street, Manchester, M1 1JQ
12th June – London – Methodist Church House, 25 Marylebone Road, London, NW1 5JR


10.00 – 16.00 – presented by TMCP Legal Team.

What will be covered?
  • Overview of GDPR and its implication for local churches, circuits and districts
  • The resources available to help Managing Trustees including a GDPR Toolkit
  • Consent – when should it be obtained?
  • Data Security
  • Data Destruction
  • How to respond to data breaches
  • Case studies with relevant examples to local churches, circuits and districts
  • Opportunities for group discussion as well as questions and answers
Who should attend?

The training events are to assist ministers, officeholders and employees of local churches, circuits and districts who hold or process personal data.  Due to the limited number of places circuits and districts are encouraged to identify one person who could attend the training event.  This person will then be able to encourage and enable compliance with the new regulations within their circuit or district.  The Working Party will ensure that webinars are made available after the event for those not able to attend or unable to obtain a place.

How do I book?

Lunch will be provided but attendees must attend at their own travel cost.  Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.  To book click on the link below: