Updated resources are now available from the data protection page on TMCP's website. TMCP is reviewing the data protection guidance and documents to ensure that they are up-to-date. This includes adding links and references to the resources that are now available, taking on board the results of the data mapping exercise and acknowledging the fact that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is now in force.

Please note that the following resources have been updated since 19 November 2018:

The data protection toolkit (Toolkit)

  • Updated Data Mapping Form – New footnote to emphasise that consent is only required in limited cases. Accompanying webpage amended to refer to current guidance.

Standard Documents


New guidance

  • FAQs – New FAQ 8 looks at prayer requests. This is a very delicate area and the guidance is provided in response to requests from Managing Trustees for practical guidance on the impact of recent data protection legislation. Note that the impact is minimal due to the pre-existing Methodist best practice on confidentiality.  A new Prayer Request Focus Note to accompany the FAQs is at the final approval stage.
  • FAQs – New FAQ 1.3 summarises what Managing Trustees have to do with personal information under GDPR with links to the resources in the Data Protection Toolkit that are there to help Managing Trustees with compliance.

A common amendment throughout the resources has been to emphasise the use of the master, ready to use Managing Trustees’ Privacy Notice.


If Managing Trustees have any queries then please contact TMCP (dataprotection@tmcp.org.uk) for further assistance regarding general data protection matters and the Conference Office for queries specifically relating to safeguarding or complaints and discipline matters (dataprotection@methodistchurch.org.uk).