The Housing (Wales) Act 2014 imposes additional legal obligations on landlords who have rental property in Wales. These are explained in the Rent Smart Wales Focus Note and include TMCP registering as Landlord for the purposes of the Rent Smart Wales scheme and obtaining a Landlord’s licence, and Managing Trustees involved in the letting undergoing Rent Smart Wales approved training.
All properties let on a residential tenancy must be included on the register kept by Rent Smart Wales and the information on the register must be kept up-to-date. This is an ongoing responsibility for Managing Trustees.
TMCP have created the Rent Smart Wales Property Information Form to help Managing Trustees notify TMCP of any new properties or changes to the information held. Changes include when different or additional Managing Trustees take on responsibility for rental property or a new agent is appointed and must be notified immediately. If you need to let TMCP know about any new properties or changes, complete and return a signed copy of the Rent Smart Wales Property Information Form.
Please select whether you wish to download this document as a Word or pdf file. If you download in Word you will be able to type in the details relating to the specific property.
Please contact TMCP Legal if you have any queries.