Podcast – Non-residential leases
19th Aug 2020 | Property Updates
Sintons LLP, one of the firms on the Methodist Church’s Panel of Solicitors, has very helpfully recorded a short podcast with up to date guidance from a Methodist and charity law perspective on the process for granting non-residential leases at Methodist buildings.
Read MePodcast – Potential Trustee liability when re-opening churches during COVID-19
19th Aug 2020 | Property Updates
Sintons LLP, one of the firms on the Methodist Church’s Panel of Solicitors, has recorded a podcast on the potential risk of liability that may face Managing Trustees when they are looking at reopening their church buildings during the lockdown and continuing COVID-19 crisis.
Read MePossession Proceedings COVID Update - What do Managing Trustees need to do if they need to regain possession?
18th Aug 2020 | Property Updates
The ongoing effects of Covid-19 are creating particular difficulties for Managing Trustees of residential tenancies. As we come to the end of the Connexional Year, this is especially true for those seeking vacant possession of their residential properties to house ministers and their families.
Read Me"Test and Trace" - Update
7th Aug 2020 | Technical Updates
The "Test and Trace", Data Protection and What you need to do Focus Note has been updated. The updated Focus Note includes additional guidance to help Managing Trustees now that further information has been provided by the Government and Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) on how the service works.
Read MeCharity Commission Annual Returns
14th Jul 2020 | Technical Updates
The Connexional Team have produced the following guidance relating to the submission of Annual Returns to the Charity Commission
Read MeNew Test and Trace Record Available
4th Jul 2020 | Technical Updates
The Government has requested that Churches in England assist the NHS Test and Trace service by keeping an accurate temporary record of visitors to church premises for 21 days.
Read MeLicences during the COVID-19 outbreak – who is responsible for COVID-19 precautions and how do we clarify this?
3rd Jul 2020 | Technical Updates
COVID-19 restrictions continue to be slowly released and our church buildings are gradually being allowed to re-open for more activities, both Church related and for those third parties who frequently use Methodist premises. Managing Trustees are understandably raising questions as to where responsibility for COVID-19 safety falls.
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